What's happening:
“Being Pilgrims of Hope
Living Catholic Social Teaching”
Overnight Retreat
Olmsted Manor Conference Center, Ludlow PA
Feb. 4-5, 2025 noon to noon
You are invited by Sister Marian and Sister Tina of Catholic Rural Ministry
to join them and guest speaker, Elizabeth Slaby, Director of Catholic Charities Office of Social Justice and Life, Diocese of Erie
Come, “fan the flame of hope” with us
through prayer, reflection, presentations and sharing.
Please register asap - deadline by Jan. 15, 2025
by emailing
Sr. Tina at srtinag@gmail.com with
name, phone number
Send $30 non refundable registration fee to:
Catholic Rural Ministry, 7 Pulaski Street, Oil City, PA 16301
Total retreat cost- includes 4 home cooked meals, room and presentation-
is $60 each for double room, $75 for single.
• Bible Studies on the Sunday Scripture are offered 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of each month, 10 am at the Knights of Columbus, Oil City.
• Confirmation and other youth and adult retreats are offered year round.
• Families in need are assisted to receive help.
• Cookie collections are taken up for ecumenical free meals.
• Call the Sisters if you are interested in participating at 814-677-2032
About Us
Catholic Rural Ministry of Oil City Deanery, serving Clarion and Venango and parts of Crawford and Forest counties, provides pastoral visits to the sick and homebound, spiritual education for youth and adults through reflection days and retreats, Bible studies, prison ministry, and vocation and mission awareness. Together with ecumenical collaboration, this ministry provides to families in need such social support services as food; clothing; assistance with rent, utilities and transportation; and referral information to area agencies. The primary goal of Catholic Rural Ministry is to bring "Hope and God’s Compassionate Presence" to all.Please visit our photo gallery!
Adult spiritual support
Enrichment daysEvenings, afternoons of prayer and reflection
Deanery-wide overnight retreats
Visitation, telephone ministry
Spiritual companioning
Bible studies
Book studies
Participants at an overnight retreat at Olmsted Manor.
Parish support and resources
Faith sharingPresence and support of parish meetings and organizations
Professional support to religious education directors
Catechist/Lay formation and enrichment courses/programs
Formation of faith communities
Pastor support and encouragement
One of seven synodal gatherings facilitated by the Sisters.
Deanery Youth
Vocation awareness programsCelebration of Catholic Schools Week
Celebration of National Catholic Sisters Week
Sacramental retreats
Grade level retreats with parent component
Service Programs
Local and global - Catholic social teaching
Social needs in the community
Connecting those in need with area resourcesBoard member - St. Elizabeth's Center, Mustard Seed Ministries, Venango County Human Services, Committee Member: Emmaus Haven, Community Services of Venango County Resource Allocation
Pastoral presence at parish Masses and events
Sister Marian Wehler, keynote, joins Clarion University students at the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast Celebration. (Photo: Clarion News)
Ecumenical Collaboration
Board member Mustard Seed Missions of Venango CountyVolunteering at Pathways, a residential program for troubled youth
Coordinating cookie collection for free dinners at the local Lutheran church
Various ecumenical activities
The Sisters were invited to give a day of retreat on "Eucharistic
Spirituality" for "Daughters of the King" members and their guests.
Catholic Rural Ministry, Oil City Deanery7 Pulaski St., Oil City, PA 16301
(814) 677-2032
Sr. Tina Geiger, RSM
e-mail: Srtinag@gmail.com
Sr. Marian Wehler, OSB
e-mail: marianwehler@yahoo.com
Sr. Marian is a member of the Erie Benedictine Sisters of Mount Saint
Benedict Monastery (eriebenedictines.org).
Sr. Tina is a member of the Sister of the Sisters of Mercy of the
Americas (sistersofmercy.org).