Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship can be found at:

This is the central document, written by the bishops of the United States, to help American Catholics form their consciences through a greater understanding and embracing of their rights and duties regarding participation in civil life.

A novena for faithful citizenship

Visit for links to factual, legal and scientific information as well as church teaching resources to help you understand why the bishops continue to declare respect for the dignity of human life is the highest priority for Catholic citizens.

Education has been a priority of the American bishops for generations. In 2005, they updated their thinking on the subject in a document called Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium. Find it here:

To read Laudato Si’ and to access other resources exploring a Catholic perspective on the environment, including prayers, visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops webpage on Environment and Environmental Justice at

A Framework for Comprehensive Health Care Reform, first published by the USCCB in 1993, remains the basis of much thinking on this topic. Find it at

Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity, is an excellent place to begin exploring the many nuances on the subject of immigration. Find the entire document, published in 2000 by the USCCB, at

A Place at the Table, a pastoral reflection on poverty by the bishops of the United States, considers a Catholic recommitment to overcome poverty and to respect the dignity of all God's children. The full document can be found at

The full text of Open Wide our Hearts, the 2018 letter authored by the bishops of the United States that explores and explains Catholic teaching on racism, can be found here:

For insights into the status of religious liberty in America from a Catholic perspective, find A Statement on Religious Liberty by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty at

Election 2022: A guide for Catholics in the Diocese of Erie as they prepare to vote, acknowledges the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Faith Catholic, based in Lansing, Mich., as the basis for much of the material made available in this guide.