A letter from
Bishop Lawrence Persico

as you prepare to vote

Presidential candidates’ positions
on major issues
English | Spanish

Faithful Citizenship
2024 short takes

Prepared by the 
Pa. Catholic Conference

Why is the church interested in how I prepare to vote and how do we form our consciences?

A novena for faithful citizenship

What does the Catholic Church say about some of today's critical issues?

The Diocese of Erie has prepared a one-page summary of church teaching as well as questions voters can ask themselves about candidates on a number of key issues to consider while preparing to vote.

The Dignity of Life

The bishops of the United States declare that respect for the dignity of human life remains the highest priority for Catholic citizens. But they also have much to say about broader aspects of this topic.


Advocacy for Catholic education is the responsibility of all Catholics, not just parents and school personnel, say the bishops.


As a response to God’s loving goodness reflected in the earth, and of Christ’s mandate to serve the poor, caring for God’s creation has long been a priority for the Catholic Church.

Health Care

The church considers healing a central ministry and has long fought for quality, affordable and life-affirming care, especially for the poor.


Balancing the significant needs of immigrants with appropriate attention to national security continues to be a challenge.


Catholics should consider how candidates will support policies that improve economic conditions for and protect the vulnerable.


Conversion is a long road to travel for the individual. Moving our nation to the full realization of the promise of liberty, equality and justice for all is even more challenging, according to the document on racism published by the US bishops.

Religious Liberty

Religious liberty goes well beyond the right to worship. Citizens must have the right to integrate their cherished religious beliefs into the context of their daily lives and responsibilities.

Links to the full documents on which the teachings referenced in each section are based.

Election 2024: A guide for Catholics in the Diocese of Erie as they prepare to vote, acknowledges the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference and Faith Catholic, based in Lansing, Mich., as the basis for much of the material made available in this guide.

Political involvement guidelines for the 2024 election season

Pastors will find below a link to the diocesan Norms for Participation of Catholic Institutions in the Political Sphere. These norms have the force of particular law for the Diocese of Erie.

A couple of things to be noted are:

   • No facility or organization under the umbrella of the Catholic Church may be used for partisan or political activity, or to support or oppose any candidate for public office.

   • Only those voters’ guides may be distributed which have been prepared by the USCCB, the PCC or the Diocese of Erie which have been specifically approved for distribution in the Diocese of Erie. We currently know of no such voters’ guides for this election cycle, beyond what is offered on this website.

Following many of the norms are notes in italics which are intended to help explain the norm and give examples of its practical application.

Click here to read Norms for Participation of Catholic Institutions in the Political Sphere

Other resources:
   • Social media guidelines from the USCCB with guidelines and information on the use of websites, email and social media by organizations under the umbrella of the Catholic Church

   • Links to church documents which may be useful to clergy and faithful alike.

Please contact the Chancery (814.824.1130) with any questions about these resources or about any particular political situation involving your parish(es).