Design and journalism awards



  • First Place
    Best Diocesan Pastoral Message – Letter
    Letter to the Parishes of Erie County
    The Most Rev. Lawrence Persico, Bishop of Erie
    CMA comment: A clear and persuasive letter that provides important context to readers around pastoral planning. This letter is thoughful and approaches challenges directly yet with compassion.

  • First Place
    Best Feature Article – Diocesan Magazines
    Small Town, Big Heart
    Vincent Dragone
    CMA comment: This emotional and well-written feature takes readers behind the scenes of how a Pennsylvania pastor came to sponsor a Ukranian refugee family to resettle in the United States. The story has strong interviews that show the friendships that have been built and the lengths that people will go to help one another.

  • First Place
    Best Story and Photo Package by an Individual
    Udder Devotion: Embracing God's Guidance on the Farm
    Vincent Dragone
    CMA comment: This article has an amazing, eye-catching design! The writing is engaging and the story is touching. The photos are high quality and lend very well to the storytelling.

  • First Place
    Hot Topic – Eucharistic Revival (Three-part package)

    Raising Saints, an interview with Antonia Acutis
    Anne-Marie Welsh

    Cover story, A Uniquely Catholic Devotion
    Vincent Dragone

    A reach across eternity
    Anne-Marie Welsh
    CMA comment: The stories in this entry were cohesive and so interesting. The unique approach to the Eucharist Revival and the beautifully written copy made this magazine a standout.

  • Second Place
    Diocesan Magazine of the Year
    Faith Erie Magazine
    (See archives - February through December 2023)
    Vincent Dragone
    CMA comment: This magazine is beautifully designed and looks like something produced by Conde Nast. The articles and quality of reporting make this a top contender. Truly excellent.

  • Second Place
    Best Video – Catechesis, Diocesan and National News Organizations
    Wholly Trust
    Vince Dragone
    CMA comment: The piece is well-shot and edited, achieving much with its simplicity, focus, and depth of emotion. Well done!

  • Third Place
    Best Reporting of the Celebration of a Sacrament
    The Joy of Joining the Church
    Melanie Sisinni
    CMA comment: Faith Erie and Melanie Sisinni bring an exciting story of Keith's entrance into the Church. A great story of the journey for folks with special needs.

  • Third Place
    Best Initiative or Campaign – Package
    Do You See What I See?
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Third Place
    Best Social Media Campaign, Liturgical Seasons
    Elizabeth Butterfield
    CMA comment: Brief, colorful social media posts that draw attention and encourage reflection and engagement.

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Video – Feature, Diocesan and National News Organizations
    Udder Devotion: Embracing God's Guidance on the Farm
    Vincent Dragone

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Video – Social Justice Issues, Diocesan and National News Organizations
    Small Town, Big Heart
    Vincent Dragone

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Use of Video on Social Media – Diocesan Communications
    Called to Serve: Faith on the Job
    Vincent Dragone

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Use of Video on Social Media – Diocesan Communications
    Run so as to win
    Vincent Dragone


  • Winner: Melanie Sisinni, Faith
    Category: Excellence in Written Journalism: Division 4, Columns/Blogs


  • Gold
    Category: Internal Communications (for Pastoral Planning Communications)
  • Silver
    Category: Internal Communications (for Eucharistic Testimony Series)
  • Silver
    Category: Publications Print & Digital (for the Bishop Edward M. Lohse Tabloid and Microsite)
  • Silver
    Category: Video News Release/Marketing Video (for Faith Magazine Mini-Documentaries)


  • Second Place
    Category: Best Special Section
    Finding Our Way to God
    Mary Solberg
    View the magazine (page 12)

  • Second Place
    Category: Breaking news category for social media
    Feed my Sheep memorial tribute to Bishop Trautman
    Anne-Marie Welsh, Elizabeth Butterfield, and Rich Papalia

  • Second Place
    Category: Best coverage of a disaster or crisis
    Everything is in God's Hands
    Mary Solberg, Anne-Marie Welsh
    View the magazine

  • Third Place
    Category: Best Single Ad for a Publication
    Leave a Tree-mendous Legacy
    Elizabeth Butterfield
    View the ad

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Best Use of Video on Social Media
    Teaser for December issue of Faith
    Vince Dragone
    View the video

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Best Essay, Diocesan magazine
    The Smile that Changed the World (is Yours)
    John Schlimm
    Read the essay (page 20)


  • Gold
    Category: Community Relations: (for Synod on Synodality)
  • Silver
    Category: Publications Print & Digital (for Diocese of EriE-news)
  • Silver
    Category: Publications Print & Digital (Faith magazine)


  • First Runner-up
    Category: Social Media Person of the Year
    Sheila Dwyer Grove

  • First Place
    Category: Best Personality Profile (laity)
    DefIANt and inspired
    Mary Solberg
    Read the story

  • First Place
    Category: Best Feature Article, Diocesan Magazines
    Lives, Loved and Lost
    Mary Solberg
    Read the story

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues
    Stewards of the Forest
    Mary Solberg
    Read the story

  • Second Place
    Category: Best Social Media Campaign
    Remembering Our Sunday Story
    Diocesan Faith Formation Committee and video director/producer, Vince Dragone
    Watch the videos

  • Second Place
    Category: Hot topic video
    Remembering Our Sunday Story
    Diocesan Faith Formation Committee and video director/producer, Vince Dragone
    Watch the videos

  • Third Place
    Category: Best Initiative or Campaign Package
    Remembering Our Sunday Story
    Diocesan Faith Formation Committee and video director/producer, Vince Dragone
    Watch the videos

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Best External E-newsletter
    Sheila Grove, editor; Anne-Marie Welsh, editorial assistant
    Read the e-newsletter



  • Gold
    Category: Publications/Print: (for Faith magazine)
  • Gold
    Category: Publications/Digital (for Diocese of EriE-news)
  • Gold
    Category: Feature Stories (for Faith’s cover story, Priests in Pandemic)
  • Gold
    Category: COVID-19 Communications (for our overall response to the pandemic)
  • Silver
    Category: Marketing Videos (for Our Sunday Story video series)
  • Silver
    Category: Internal Communications (for the Simply Celebrating website)


  • Winner
    Category: Excellence in Journalistic Craft Achievement, Digital Presentation - Division 7
    View "Simply Celebrating"
    Rich Papalia, Faith Erie


  • First Place
    Category: Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication (color)
    I'm All Ears!
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • First Place
    Best Ad Campaign Originating with the Publication for Advertiser
    Catholic Foundation of NWPA 2020 Campaign
    Lisa Louis and Elizabeth Butterfield

  • First Place
    Best Cover (black and white, any size)
    Faith Erie, Pieta Perfection
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg

  • First Place
    Best Feature Article - Pandemic
    Priests in Pandemic
    Mary Solberg
    Click here to read the article

  • First Place
    Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues - Solidarity
    Path to Civility
    Mary Solberg
    Click here to read the article

  • Second Place
    Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication (color)
    1:38 Women's Conference
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Second Place
    Best Diocesan Fundraising Appeal - Produced by a Communications Department Staff
    Forward Together: Doing the Work of Christ
    Lisa Louis, Mary Solberg, Rich Papalia and Anne-Marie Welsh
    Click here to see Forward Together content

  • Second Place
    Best External E-newsletter
    Diocese of EriE-news
    Sheila Grove and Anne-Marie Welsh
    Click here to visit EriE-news

  • Third Place
    Best Layout for Article/Column - Diocesan magazine
    Pieta Perfection
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg
    Click here to view the layout

  • Third Place
    Best Package - 2020 Election Outreach
    Election 2020: A Guide for Catholics in the Diocese of Erie
    Rich Papalia and Anne-Marie Welsh
    Click here to view Election 2020 content

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Cover (color, large)
    Faith Erie, June 2020 Pandemic
    Jessie Morgan Ochalek, Matt Watters and Mary Solberg

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Reporting on a Special Age Group
    30 and Under
    Mary Solberg
    Click here to read the article



  • First Place
    Category: Best Use of Typography
    The Man Behind the Baton
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg

  • First Place
    Most Effective Use of Small Space
    What a Catch
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Second Place
    Communications Director of the Year
    Anne-Marie Welsh

  • Second Place
    Best Layout or Article Column - Diocesan Magazine
    The Man Behind the Baton
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg
    Click here to view the layout
  • Second Place
    Best Ad copywriting
    Don't Worry, Be Jolly
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Third Place
    Magazine/Newsletter of the Year - Diocesan Magazines
    Mary Solberg and Matt Watters

  • Third Place
    Best E-newsletter
    Communications Staff
  • Third Place
    Best Ad copywriting
    Jump Start Your Monday Mornings
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Third Place
    Best use of Typography
    God, Family & Beer
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication
    St. Paul’s Special Mass for Cancer Awareness
    Elizabeth Butterfield

  • Honorable Mention
    Best Cover for Color - Large
    The Man Behind the Baton
    Matt Watters and Mary Solberg


  • Editor of the Year
    Mary Solberg

  • First Place
    Category: Best E-newsletter
    Erica Erwin, Mary Solberg

  • First Place
    Category: Best Layout of Article/Column
    Matt Watters, Mary Solberg

  • First Place
    Category: Best Black and White Cover
    Lynne Hsu, Anne-Marie Welsh

  • First Place
    Category: Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues
    Anne-Marie Welsh

  • First Place
    Category: Best Ad Copywriting
    Elizabeth Butterfield, Mary Solberg
    View "A Time for Change"

  • Second Place
    Category: Best Diocesan Pastoral Message
    Bishop Persico, Anne-Marie Welsh
    View "A Pastoral Response to the Opioid Crisis"

  • Second Place
    Category: Best Ad Copywriting
    Elizabeth Butterfield, Mary Solberg, Anne-Marie Welsh
    View "Create in us a Pure Heart O Lord"

  • Second Place
    Category: Best Twitter Account (Diocesan Bishop)
    View "Social Growth: A Tale of Two Months"

  • Second Place
    Category: Best Reporting on a Special Age Group
    Mary Solberg
    View "Teens on the Peripheries"

  • Third Place
    Category: Best Initiative or Campaign
    Bishop Persico
    View "A Pastoral Response to the Opioid Crisis"

  • Third Place
    Category: Best Special Section
    Anne-Marie Welsh, Msgr. Edward Lohse, Bishop Persico
    View "The Grand Jury Special Edition"

  • Third Place
    Category: Best Coverage on the Sexual Abuse Crisis
    Anne-Marie Welsh, Msgr. Edward Lohse and Father Justin Pino
    View "The Grand Jury Special Edition"

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Best Single-Color Ad
    Elizabeth Butterfield, Mary Solberg
    View "Create in us a Pure Heart O Lord"

  • Honorable Mention
    Category: Most Effective Use of Small Space (FaithLife newspaper)
    Designer Elizabeth Butterfield; Copywriter Anne-Marie Welsh
    View "He is Risen"

    2018 AWARDS


    • Gold
      Category: Community Relations (for the messaging related to our update to the Policy for the Protection of Children, including the unveiling of our Public Disclosure List)
      The award is shared with The Most Rev. Lawrence Persico, bishop of Erie, and Msgr. Edward Lohse, vicar general.
    Community relations

    • Gold
      Category: Internal Communications (for a pastoral response to the opioid crisis) including resources, website and a half-day workshop for clergy in the Diocese of Erie.
      The award is shared with the Opioid Task Force under the direction of Ann Badach, executive director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Erie.
      View the opioid webpage
    Internal Communications

    • Gold
      Category: Publications (for the grand jury edition of Faith magazine)
      Editor, Anne-Marie Welsh
      Design, Lynne Hsu
      View the edition

    • Gold
      Category: Publications (general entry, Faith magazine, Oct. 2017 through Special Edition)
      Editor, Anne-Marie Welsh
      Design, Lynne Hsu
      News Editor, Mary Solberg
      Advertising/Circulation Manager, Brenda Williams
      Advertising Design, Elizabeth Butterfield
      View Faith archives

    • Gold
      Best in Show
      For receiving the highest score among all 2018 Niagara Gold Award Winners.


    • Honorable mention
      Category: Best Facebook post
      The bishop roars on Facebook
      Anne-Marie Welsh


    2017 AWARDS

    • Gold
      Special events and observances
      Catholic Charities Ball invitation
      Elizabeth Butterfield, designer
      View invitation
    • Gold
      Media Relations/Feature Stories
      The Bishop Roars
      Anne-Marie Welsh, photographer/writer
      View story
    • Silver
      Faith magazine parish restructuring edition
      Anne-Marie Welsh, editor
      Mary Solberg, associate editor
      Msgr. Ed Lohse, consultant
      Lynne Hsu, designer
      View edition
    • Silver
      Audio Visual Programs
      "Lights, Camera, Action!" Catholic Charities Ball Video
      Anne-Marie Welsh, producer/writer
      Matt King, director
      Watch video


    • First Place
      Category: Most Effective Use of Small Space
      FaithLife newspaper
      Mary Solberg, Rich Papalia
      Maximizes small space to bring the viewer a variety of information.
    • First Place
      Category: Best Interview
      Schuyler Stupica
      Faith magazine, "I'm Amazed That I'm Still Alive"
      A well-paced, nuanced account of the struggles that accompany addiction and the process of healing from it. The author uses a skilled interplay between narrative and quotes, creating an honest portrait of a remarkable subject.
    • First Place
      Category: Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues: Solidarity
      Schuyler Stupica
      Faith magazine, "Encountering Islam"
      At a time of pervasive misunderstandings about Muslim believers, this esssay highlights the commonalities between the core tenets of Islam and Catholicism. The story includes interviews with Muslim-American college students who eloquently describe their experiences.
    • First Place
      Category: Best Reporting of Social Justices Issues: Call to Family, Community and Participation
      Faith magazine, "Deacon Ralph Shakes Things Up"
      Anne-Marie Welsh
      This lively interview with Deacon Ralph Poyo, the founder of New Evangelization Ministries, uses conversational language to shake parishioners out of complacency. The story's relatable analogies draw readers into the call to take their faith more seriously.
    • Second Place
      Category: Best Multiple Picture Package: Year of Mercy
      Faith magazine, "That's Mercy? Who Knew?"
      Schuyler Stupica, Anne-Marie Welsh
      Overall the entry is technically excellent and well executed. Nice variety of images with different focal lengths helps the package.
    • Third Place
      Category: Best Front Page Broadsheet
      FaithLife newspaper
      Mary Solberg, Rich Papalia
      Nice mix of typography. Story and image selection is appealing.
    • Third Place
      Category: Best Single Photo: Year of Mercy
      Faith magazine, "Glass holy door closes"
      Mary Solberg
      The image symmetry of the doors aligning with the altar down the middle is great. The image is relevant to the story as an act of symbolism.
    • Honorable Mention
      Category: Best Title and Lead-In
      Faith magazine, "I'm Amazed That I'm Still Alive"
      Schuyler Stupica
      Title almost turned me away, but the lead-in material gripped me powerfully. An almost unbelievable story followed.
    • Father McGivney Award
      Faith Erie magazine, "The Heart of Christmas"
      Abby Badach

    2016 AWARDS


    • Best of Show
      Faith magazine
      "Pope Francis' visit to the United States for the World Meeting of Families"
      Anne-Marie Welsh, editor
    • Gold Award
      Faith magazine
      "Pope Francis' visit to the United States for the World Meeting of Families"
      Anne-Marie Welsh, editor
    • Gold Award
      Internal Communications
      "Unveiling of Parish Restructuring"
      Anne-Marie Welsh, Director of Communications
    • Gold Award
      Ad Series
      "National Catholic Sisters Week"
      Elizabeth Butterfield, graphic designer
    • Silver Award
      Feature story
      "Behind the Razor Wire"
      Mary Solberg, writer


    • Silver Addy
      Category: Special Event Material - Card
      "O' Christmas Three"
      Elizabeth Butterfield, concept/art director/graphic designer

    • Silver Addy
      Category: Collateral Material
      "Celebrating Faith, Hope and Charity"
      Catholic Charities Ball invitation
      Elizabeth Butterfield, art director/graphic designer



    • First Place
      Category: Individual Excellence, Editor
      Mary Solberg
      A huge win against all editors and one of the most prestigious CPA awards. Solberg was cited for "exceptional visual storytelling" as well as great design, expert use of graphics, great headlines and finely edited copy.
    • First Place
      Category: Individual Excellence, Graphic Designer
      Lynne Hsu
      Another prestigious CPA award, Hsu won for her work on Faith magazine, particularly the papal issue.
    Year of Consecrated Life series

    • First Place
      Category: Most effect use of small space
      Nick's Clock Repairs
      Elizabeth Butterfield, graphic design
    Clock Repair

    • Third Place
      Category: Best Front Page (Three Consecutive Editions)
      Mary Solberg, writer/editor; Rich Papalia, graphic design
      • Third Place
        Category: Best Original Illustration
        "Bishop Logs Miles"
        David Solberg, illustrator; Rich Papalia, graphic design
      Bishop logs miles illustration

      • Second Place
        Category: Best Coverage of World Meeting of Families
        Anne-Marie Welsh, editor

      • Second Place
        Category: Best Coverage of the Year of Consecrated Life
        "Setting the World on Fire"
        Anne-Marie Welsh, editor

      • Third Place
        Category: Special Coverage of a Special Age Group
        'Faith in Action'
        Anne-Marie Welsh, story and photos

      • Honorable Mention
        Category: Best News Writing on a Local Event
        'Fire Damages Emmaus Soup Kitchen'
        Mary Solberg, writer

      2015 AWARDS


      • Silver Addy
        Collateral Material
        "Beacon of Hope"
        Catholic Charities Ball invitation
        Elizabeth Butterfield
      2014 Catholic Charities Ball invitation


      • First Place
        Best Sports Journalism
        Erie's Kayla McBride Has One Motto: 'God first'
        Mary Solberg
      Kayla McBride

      • First Place
        Best Photo Story
        Sacred Sawing
        Text by David Solberg, photos by Mark Fainstein

      • Second Place
        Best Front Page Design for a Broadsheet Newspaper
        Mary Solberg, editor and Rich Papalia, designer

      • Third Place
        Best Essay in a Diocesan Magazine
        A Promise Kept
        by Father David Renne

      • Second Place
        Best Feature Article in a Diocesan Magazine
        The Joy of Simplicity
        Story and photos by Anne-Marie Welsh

      • Honorable Mention
        Best Multiple Picture Package in a Magazine
        The Joy of Simplicity
        Story and photos by Anne-Marie Welsh
      • Honorable Mention
        Best Cover
        The Joy of Simplicity
        Photo by Anne-Marie Welsh and design by Lynne Hsu
      The Joy of Simplicity


      • Finalist
        Golden Quill Awards sponsored by Press Club of Western Pennsylvania
        Erie's Kayla McBride Has One Motto: 'God first'
        Mary Solberg

      • Finalist
        Golden Quill Awards sponsored by Press Club of Western Pennsylvania
        The Search for Father Morgan
        Mary Solberg


      • Finalist
        Bishop John England Award for the Defense of Religious Freedom
        Bishop Lawrence Persico

      2014 AWARDS


      • Honorable Mention
        Best feature photo
        Mary Solberg

        CPA comment: "Candid moments we often miss. Great effort beyond the static blessing
        photos. Humor is an element often overlooked in event photography."

      • Honorable Mention
        Best Regular Special Supplement
        Faithful Servants
        Elizabeth Butterfield, Mary Solberg, Brenda Williams, Communications staff

        CPA comment: "Seldom do we see as exhaustive an effort to tell the varied stories of our men
        and women religious. Their spirituality shone throughout the section."

      • Honorable Mention
        General Excellence - 40,001+ Diocesan newspaper
        Mary Solberg, Rich Papalia

        CPA comment: "FaithLife stands apart from the other competitors in this category
        because of its graphics, seemingly derived from contemporary youth magazines.
        Very large photos and many photos accompany news features and briefs and make
        visible the people of the Diocese of Erie."


      • Gold Addy
        Special Event Material - Card
        "Gift Fit for a King"
        Elizabeth Butterfield - Graphic Design/Art Director/Concept
      Gift Fit for a King

      • Silver Addy
        Special Event Material - Invitation
        "Open the Doors"
        Elizabeth Butterfield - Graphic Design/Art Director/Concept
      Open the Doors


      2013 AWARDS


      • Cardinal John Foley Award for Individual Excellence
        Brenda Williams - Best advertising/business/marketing professional
        Advertising/circulation manager for Faith and FaithLife

      • Second Place
        Best Regular Special Supplement
        Faithful Servants
        Elizabeth Butterfield, Cindy DeCoursey, Jason Koshinskie, Rich Papalia, Anne-Marie Welsh, Brenda Williams
      • Honorable Mention
        Best single ad originating with the publication, color
        FaithLife - "Welcome, Bishop Persico" ad for Dahlkemper's Jewelry Connection
        Elizabeth Butterfield, Rich Papalia
      Dahlkemper's Jewelry Connection

      • Honorable Mention
        General Excellence - 40,000+ diocesan newspapers. This is the largest circulation category which puts FaithLife up against newspapers published everywhere from New York to L.A.
        Jason Koshinskie, Rich Papalia

      • Second Place
        Best front page - broadsheet
        Jason Koshinskie, Rich Papalia

      • First Place
        Best Feature Article, Diocesan Magazine
        "The wonder of this place” by Anne-Marie Welsh

      • First Place
        Best Essay, Diocesan Magazine
        "Deacon Glenn gets a second chance" by Deacon Glenn Kuzma, Anne-Marie Welsh

      • Second Place
        Best Essay, Diocesan Magazine
        "It was an extremely big deal" by Anne-Marie Welsh, Stephen Tobolowsky

      • Second Place
        Best Coverage of the Year of Faith
        "Where will you find God in this Year of Faith?” by Anne-Marie Welsh, The Most Rev. Lawrence Persico,
        Jay Dardes, Art Becker, Lynne Hsu

      • Best Original Poetry
        "Who will love these boys?" by John C. and Kenja T.

      • Honorable Mention, Best Blog by an Individual
        "Youth Talk on the Vine" by Fr. Steve Schreiber, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry


      • Silver Addy
        Advertising Industry - Cards/Invitations/Announcements
        "Christmas Miracle"
        Concept and graphic design: Elizabeth Butterfield
      • Silver Addy
        Editorial Spread
        "The wonder of this place”
        Anne-Marie Welsh, Art Becker, Lynne Hsu
      The Wonder of this Place


      2012 AWARDS


      • First Place
        Best Magazine Interview
        March/April 2012 covers story, Catholics Come Home
        Anne-Marie Welsh, writer
      Catholics Come Home

      • Second Place
        Best Essay in a Diocesan Magazine
        November/December 2012, Saving Joshua's Life
        Kelly Nordin, writer

      • Third Place
        Best Feature in a Diocesan Magazine
        July/August 2012, Hidden in Plain View, pg. 20
        Daniel Cooney, writer

      • Third Place
        Best New Roman Missal Coverage
        2012 series, Spiritual Fitness
        Matthew Clark, writer

      • Honorable Mention
        Best Essay in a Diocesan Magazine
        July/August 2012, It Was the Eucharist
        Bishop Donald W. Trautman

      • Honorable Mention
        Best Special Edition
        July/August 2012, The Food Edition
        Anne-Marie Welsh, writer/editor

      2011 AWARDS


      • First Place
        Faith magazine
        "A Priest's Priest"
        Best cover, 1, 2, or 3 color
        Photo by Mark and Deb Fainstein
        Design by Lynne Hsu
        Cover text by Anne-Marie Welsh
        Art direction: Jason Koshinskie

        "Strong, compelling image that is made stronger by a cover blurb that is not only compelling textually but visually. Good repetition of color, alignment and focal point all make this a strong cover."
        — Catholic Press Association
      A Priest's Priest


      • Silver Addy
        Advertising Industry - Cards/Invitations/Announcements
        "O Christmas Tree"
        Design and art direction: Elizabeth Butterfield
      • Bronze Addy
        Special Event Material - Card
        "O Christmas Tree"
        Design and art direction: Elizabeth Butterfield
      • Bronze Addy
        Special Event Material - Invitation
        Catholic Charities Ball Invitation
        Design and art direction: Elizabeth Butterfield
      Catholic Charities Ball invitation

      • Bronze Addy
        Publication Design - Editorial Spread or Feature
        "Bishop Trautman Walking Along Presque Isle"
        Catholic Charities Office
        Design and art direction: Lynne Ridenour

      2010 AWARDS


      • First Place
        Faith magazine
        by Anne-Marie Welsh

        "This is a simple but incandescent story that conveys a sense of joyful exploration. The lead, focusing on a teacher in the throes of self-doubt, draws us into a narrative that engages to the finish. All aspects, including the simplest play, are treated with gentleness and dignity."
        — Catholic Press Association
      Inspiring Wonder

      • Second Place
        Faith magazine
        by Anne-Marie Welsh

        "The author has a keen ear for voices and an eye for detail. Her quotes bring this story about reinvigorating parishes to life. There are many takeaway lessons here that can be implemented a la carte. This piece is both uplifting and functional."
        — Catholic Press Association

      • Third Place
        Best newswriting/local, regional/40,000+ circulation newspapers
        "Building a New Parish Family"
        Written by Jason Koshinskie


      • Silver Addy
        Special Event Material - Card
        "Reflect, Rejoice, Renew"
        Design and art direction: Elizabeth Butterfield
      • Silver Addy
        Advertising Industry - Cards/Invitations/Announcements
        "Reflect, Rejoice, Renew"
        Design and art direction: Elizabeth Butterfield
      Reflect, Rejoice, Renew

      • Silver Addy
        Publication Design: Series
        Art design: Abby Badach, Emily Welsh
        Design: Lynne Ridenour


      • First Place
        Innovation Award
        Direct Mail/Fulfillment category
        Personal URL campaign for the Catholic Services Appeal

      The Direct Marketing Association is the leading global trade association of businesses and nonprofit organizations using and supporting multichannel direct marketing tools and techniques. DMA advocates standards for responsible marketing, promotes relevance as the key to reaching consumers with desirable offers, and provides cutting-edge research, education, and networking opportunities to improve results throughout the end-to-end direct marketing process. Founded in 1917, DMA today represents companies from dozens of vertical industries in the US and 48 other nations, including nearly half of the Fortune 100 companies, as well as nonprofit organizations.


      2009 AWARDS


      • Silver Addy
        Publication Design: Series
        Inspiration (bishop series)
        Art design: Abby Badach, Emily Welsh
        Design: Lynne Ridenour


      2008 AWARDS


      • Second Place
        Best Front Page
        3 consecutive issues
        Editor, Jason Koshinskie
        Design, Rich Papalia

        "This article has a creative layout and a use of bold colors. The text boxes and typography create interesting entry points for readers. Also, the use of illustrations was helpful."
        — Catholic Press Association

      • Third Place
        Anne-Marie Welsh
        Individual Excellence for writer/editor
        Faith magazine

        "Being both an editor and a main writer keeps Anne-Marie busy, yet she is able to give each story a fresh approach and the thoroughness it deserves. The special publication about Bishop J. Murphy was especially well done."
        — Catholic Press Association

      • Honorable Mention
        Best one-shot special issue with editorial emphasis
        Co-editors, Jason Koshinskie, Anne-Marie Welsh
        Design, Rich Papalia


      • Student Silver Addy
        Christmas card illustration
        Artist: Alice Welsh
      • Bronze Addy
        Christmas card
        "Keep Searching"
        Concept: Anne-Marie Welsh
        Illustration: Alice Welsh
        Design: Elizabeth Butterfield

      Keep Searching

      • Bronze Addy
        Editorial spread
        Bishop Murphy tribute, inside cover
        Concept and Design: Rich Papalia
        Photo: Ed Bernik

      Bishop Murphy tribute

      • Bronze Addy
        Editorial spread
        Bishop Murphy tribute, inside cover
        Concept and Design: Rich Papalia
        Photo: Ed Bernik


      2007 AWARDS


      • Second Place
        Category: Best Interview
        "An Extraordinary Journey of the Heart"
        By Jason Koshinskie
        Faith magazine

      "An amazing story about life after death on earth," the judges wrote. "The writer did ample research and interviews and told the tale—both past and present—of Paul and Tina O'Brien very well. A tragedy needs little help from a writer to resonate, and Koshinskie keenly didn't attempt to sell this story to his readers. He let the facts and the sources speak for themselves and the story was well-served as a result."
      — Catholic Press Association


      • Silver Addy
        Editorial Spread
        "Balancing Act"
        Faith magazine
      • Silver Addy
        Cover Design
        Faith magazine
      • Bronze Addy
        Publication Design
        "Jesse Tree"
        Faith magazine
        Design: Carolyn Risinger Pikoulas
      • Bronze Addy
        Collateral Material
        Communications Campaign
      • Bronze Addy
        Design Series
        Faith magazine
        Covers (May-Sept.)


      2006 AWARDS


      • Second Place
        Best Special Issue
        Papal Transition
      • Third Place
        Best cover 4-color
        Faith magazine
        March/April 2005
      • Honorable Mention
        Best special issue
        Faith magazine
        September/October 2005


      • Ad Person of the Year
        Msgr. Tom McSweeney
      • Gold Addy
        Christmas Card

      • Bronze Addy
        Faith magazine
        Inspiration Series
      • Bronze Addy
        Faith magazine
        Papal Poster
      • Bronze Addy
        Faith magazine
        2005 Sept./Oct. Editorial Spread
      • Bronze Addy
        Faith magazine
        Papal Issue
      • Bronze Addy
        Faith magazine
        2005 Jan./Feb. Editorial Spread